Water Safety Scotland, Education Scotland and partner agencies are rolling out NEW, FREE educational materials to help build valuable lifesaving knowledge, skills and understanding amongst the next generation. The next resource suitable for ages 14+ launches today! The free-to-download resource features engaging activities that prompt young people to think critically about the risks they take and provides clear guidance on what to do in the event of an emergency. The materials have been specifically designed so they can be picked up and delivered by anyone. So, if you work with youth groups, local youth clubs or activity sessions – check them out and help us spread these essential messages.
With 96 people on average losing their life in Scotland’s water’s every year, water safety has never been more important. Scotland carries a disproportionate burden; the accidental drowning rate is almost double the UK’s average. To access the materials and find out more about what else is being developed
for other ages visit: http://ow.ly/PhrA50JmpMO